PIVOT  Sales Management Consulting for Security Startups
Increase revenues at startups

Increase Revenues

Transform your startup into a customer centric and sales focused commercial success story and win more clients, sooner

Boost Sales Performance at startups

Boost Sales Performance

Increase performance  across your sales function with improved conversion rates throughout the sales cycle

Sales Consulting for startups

Grow Faster

Commercialise sooner and grow faster with support across all levels and areas of your organisation

Investor relations for startups

Enhance Investor Relations

Demonstrate your commitment to commercial growth and communicate your plans effectively

...without the cost, commitment or risk of a full time hire

Team Development Startup

Develop & Retain Staff

Give your sales team knowledge and skills to win more business, training and development to grow professionally and support to make them want to stay

Executive Coaching Startups

Empower Executives

Provide your executives with the commercial expertise they need to grow the business and give them the support they need to succeed 

Validate commercial concept startup

Validate Your Concept

You've validated your technology now validate your commercial concepts, including your GTM, target market and pricing

Startup sales consulting

Make The Right Choices

Make better commercial decisions. Hire the right people. Become customer centric, solve your customers challenges and win more clients. 

...with no long term commitments

What Our Clients Say

"It was great working together with Gareth / PIVOT, as he could always providegreat input on both a strategic and hands-on level. He helped us professionalize our sales and BD infrastructure and approach as well as build our channel network from scratch. We can definitely recommend Gareth if you want to scale in the IT Security industry."

Felix Brombacher

Managing Director

Crashtest Security GmbH

"Gareth has been a tremendous help in strategizing and supporting the development of our sales organization. A true professional that understands all the nuances that can trip up the performance of a sales team."

Ben San Roman
Head of Sales


"Gareth is an accomplished Sales Director, with many years experience in the Security and Networking market. He has a proven capability to lead teams to success and form strategy for rapidly growing organisations. In my 28 years in the industry he ranks among the best that I have worked with."

Mark Gent

Benefit from experience

Security Experience

Security Knowledge

Benefit from the commercial skills, knowledge and experience gained during 25 years in the cyber and crypto security markets

Startup Expertise

Startup Expertise

We've worked for and with security startups for over 20 years. Many startups repeat the mistakes of those that went before. Don't be that startup

Startup sales excellence

Sales Excellence

With a background of 30 years in security and technology sales we bring an unmatched level of sales experience to your startup

Sales Leadership startups

Sales Leadership Experience

We've been building, managing and developing  successful sales teams for over 20 years

Who We Help

We work with Founders and CEOs of security and technology startups. We operate across your business to provide benefits across sales and beyond

CEOs & Founders

Your great idea becomes a commercial success

Sales Leaders

The knowledge and support to succeed as a startup sales leader

Sales People

Better sales performance, personal and career development


More revenues, higher conversion rates and more support


Successful investments in successful startups

Executives & Management

Make the right decisions, sooner across all departments


Product, Technical and Development teams benefit from the focus and prioritisation provided by a customer centric startup. Marketing benefits from a true understanding of their target customers. Customer Success benefits from the alignment to the needs of the customer. Finally your new clients will benefit as your startup helps to solve their business challenges.

Turn your startup into a commercial success

Services built for startups

Choose from our portfolio of services to create a package that's right for the needs of your startup. Working with you we will amend the mix of services as your company grows and your requirements change.

Sales Consulting

Assistance for all stages of the sales cycle. Advice and guidance for prospects, leads, opportunities and clients. All the support you would expect from an experienced senior salesperson. Services Include:

  • Deal Assistance & Support
  • Deal & Pipeline Review
  • Strategy, Pricing & Negotiation
  • Call, Demo & Meeting Support

Virtual CCO

Sales and commercial leadership across your startup. The support and assistance you would expect from a senior sales leader (CCO/CRO/Sales Director). Example Services Include:

  • Corporate Sales Strategy
  • Commercialisation & GTM
  • Customer Centric Positioning
  • Investor Relations

Demo Call Services

Demo calls are a key stage in the sales process and require more than a few tired slides and the same old product walk through. Services to recharge your Demo Calls include:

  • Demo Call Shadowing & Review
  • Demo Call Methodology
  • Demo Call Planning
  • Materials, Tools & Resources

Executive Coaching

Empower Executives, Founders and Managers across the business with the ongoing advice and guidance they need to succeed with their commercial goals. Focus areas include:

  • Team Development
  • Sales & Commercial Development
  • Time Management & Prioritisation
  • Strategic Planning & Delivery

Sales Management Consulting

Support for all functions of Sales Management including strategic planning and processes and team development. The support and expertise you would expect from a Senior Sales Manager. Services include:

  • Sales Process and Planning
  • Sales Playbook
  • Team Development
  • Targeting, Messaging & Materials

Sales Coaching, Training and Mentoring

Delivered as part of on ongoing program across all levels including sales team members, sales management and senior management. Services Include:

  • Sales Methodology
  • Sales Techniques
  • Targeting and Messaging
  • Deal Assistance & Review

Partners / Channel Support

Partners can play an important role in the success of a startup. We support you to recruit, develop and manage the right partners for your startup. Example services include:

  • Partner Strategy
  • Partner Program Creation
  • Partner Management & Materials
  • Partner Training

Personal Mentoring

Provide your team with the skills and support they need to develop in their role and grow as individuals. Give them a space to resolve issues and grow with your startup. Topics include:

  • Personal Development
  • Time Management & Prioritisation
  • Planning
  • Conflict Management

Delivered the way your startup needs

We can teach you, help you or do it for you

Guide & Advise

Guidance, mentoring, coaching and training to help you deliver your sales and sales management tasks. We work with you to give you and your team the support you need to meet your commercial goals.

Assist & Edit

All the benefits of Guide & Advise plus active assistance on delivery. Working together to ensure knowledge transfer and Including drafting and planning, commenting and editing, reviewing and feedback.

Develop & Deliver

Working with you we develop and deliver the sales and commercial resources your startup requires. Typical examples of this are GTM, Sales Plans, Messaging, Sales Playbooks, Sales Processes.

Flexibility designed for startups

No long term commitments

Our clients continue to work with us because of the quality of our work and the results we deliver. We do not insist on long term contracts. 

Flexible pricing models

Multiple pricing options are available dependant on the services and delivery model required

Adapt as your startup grows

Add or remove services or change delivery models as the needs and resources at your startup change

Get started in a few easy steps

Projects can be underway in as little as two weeks compared to the months it takes to find, hire and train a full time hire

Contact us for sales consultation

1. Contact Us

Contact us to arrange your free consultation

free sales consultation for startups

2. Free Consultation

During the call will discuss your goals and current situation. We will discover the areas where support is required

Sales and Sales management consulting for startups

3. Service Selection

Following the call we will suggest and discuss with you a package of services built around your requirements and provide options for delivery models

Sales consulting project Kickoff

4. Project Begins

Following agreement the project begins. This can be in as little as two weeks

Take your first step today

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between Sales Consulting and Sales Management Consulting for startups?

Sales Consulting provides startups with the skillset of a Senior Sales Executive. Sales Management Consulting covers all areas of Sales and Commercial leadership and is equivalent to a Sales Director, CCO or CRO.

I don't have a sales team yet, can you still help?

We work with startups at all stages in their commercial journey including those who have yet to make their first sales hire. Working with us also increases the success rate when making your first sales hire.

I already have a Sales team, how can you help?

We enable and empower Sales teams  providing them with the guidance, support, training and resources to succeed. Our clients benefit from improved performance and higher retention rates for Sales personnel.

We are a SaaS provider, will we benefit?

The fundamentals for commercial success apply to SaaS and other service providers. The need to become customer centric and sales focused does not change because of a SaaS business model.

Do you only work with cyber and crypto security startups?

We have over 25 years experience of working in the security industry and over 20 years of helping security startups and we also work with communications, privacy, and other technology startups.

What is a Virtual CCO (vCCO)?

A vCCO provides some or all of the functions of the Chief Commercial Officer role without the cost or risk of a full time hire.

We have a Sales Leader, how would we benefit?

Sales Leaders benefit from the guidance, support and assistance that comes from decades of working with startups. Often the resources, processes and other tools are not in place leading to frustration and hindering the ability to sell. We enable Sales Leaders to plan, prioritise, execute and deliver.

What is Sales Focused?

Security startups are typically conceived,  founded and based on technology. In the early stages of their growth they are technology companies with little attention paid to commercial or sales matters. Becoming Sales Focused involves becoming customer centric, aligning to the needs of clients and the sales team and ensuring those needs are met.

How does it work in practise?

Working remotely we spend time with you and your team to deliver our services. With regular video calls we act like, and become part of your team. We will work in collaboration with you, using your systems when possible for calls and collaborative working.

What do you mean by Customer Centric?

To become Customer Centric is to place the needs of your customers at the heart of your business. Customer Centric startups know their customers and their needs and can communicate them.

Why does my startup need you?

In our 2022 Startup survey 9 out of 10 CEOs and Founders of security startups had little or no commercial experience. Security startups and their founders are typically technology focused. We help you to commercialise into a successful customer centric business.

We have Partners, is your service still needed?

Partners are an extension of your sales function. Unless they are enabled and empowered by a vendor that is focused on the needs of the customer and provides them with everything they need to succeed they will not be successful. We work with you to ensure your partners succeed.

Does the service evolve as we grow?

Typically yes. Projects are often more resource intensive as we help you to get the necessary foundations in place. As the skills and knowledge increase in your startup we are then able to move into a Guide & Advise model with regular calls to provide assistance.

Ready to get started?

Book a call with an expert and turn your great idea into a commercial success

If you are the CEO or founder of a cyber or crypto security, secure communications or technology startup and would like to improve sales performance then book a call with us today.

Typically lasting around 45 minutes we will discuss your goals and current situation. We will identify areas of improvement and also discover actionable steps that you can take to begin upgrading sales performance at your security startup.